you see an abandoned voice recorder. there are several recordings.

what do you do? which do you choose?

you hear a young voice, probably kit aged, coming from the recorder.

If you're listening to this, h-hi! I'm Percy! I'm... 3 moons ol-wow. this thing is really choppy.i live- well used to live- with Mom and Dad. But I haven't seen them in a while. Maybe they're going to find Crystal.Who's Crystal? That's my sister. She was... taken by a-a fox. When we were about 1 moon old. She had something funky going on with her hearing. ...she didn't hear it coming.The only thing I have to remember them by is this scarf. It's real big, it could wrap around Mommy! And then... I'm not real sure how, but she could put it back on, like a scarf again.rustleI hear something in the bushes! Maybe it's Mom and Dad-

the recording cuts off there, ending in static.

you hear the same voice, though it sounds older. time has passed. this thing on...Aha! Yes! It's working.I don't really know why I recorded that other one. But I guess I'll make a follow-up, in case anyone finds this a long time from now!But anyways. My name's Percy! I'm 7 moons old now, and... life has kinda changed! I finally decided to look for my parents. After a while of searching, I heard from a kittypet that they were... dead.That was a moon ago. I'm still my happy, bouncy self. I'm just grieving right now. That's why I sound so... whats the word... depressed? Serious?But nobody had heard of Crystal. I think she's dead... but who knows. Maybe the foxes raised her.Percy... you're going crazy. She's dead.But anyways! I made a friend! His name's Frost and he's really cool. His mom and dad also died, so we bonded over that a bit. He's really nice, and we stay together! Sure, he's older than me, but he takes care of me. I think he's... 13 moons old?"Percy!""...Percy?!""PERCY-"

this one cuts out with a large noise, like an angry animal. were they attacked?

the next recording sounds like some time has passed.

Stupid recorder! Why won't these other recordings play?Anyway... It's Percy. Or is it? That's what I think my name is. I can't remember it. I can't remember anything. The last thing I can remember is a huge beast, and falling out of a tree. That's all.I think the cat who was with me is dead. I don't remember them, but I don't think I saw them moving them after I woke up. I don't know if they were breathing. I think I hit my head. Some other cat took me in. He's all I know now. His name's Jay. He says it's been 2 moons since he took me in. I was in this thing called a "coma" for a moon.I was seeing starry cats. They told me stories of faraway toms and she-cats. They were just stories, though. To keep me entertained while I heal.I haven't been able to leave my nest since "The Accident." I healed enough to stay back in consciousness, but my injuries are still bad. I can't feel or move my back legs, and Jay says I might be paralyzed. That they'll never heal.I have to relearn everything. Like it was the first time. I feel like I'm still a kit who just opened their eyes for the first time. But Jay has been really nice to me this whole time. He keeps me company, makes me feel better. He teaches me what I don't remember, and so much more.Oh! I think Jay's coming. Gotta hide this-

its ends in static, like the first. it seems like something happened that made this cat lose their memory.